How not to woo someone you like

Keyword Phrase: How not to woo someone you like

1. Don’t be too aggressive

You might think that being aggressive is the best way to show someone you’re strongly interested in them, but it’s actually a turnoff for most people. If you come on too strong, you’ll just end up scaring the other person away.

2. Don’t be clingy

Being overly clingy is another way of coming across as too needy, and no one wants to date someone who’s overly needy. If you’re clingy to the person you like, they’ll start to feel smothered and may eventually lose interest in you.

3. Don’t stalk them on social media

Stalking someone on social media is a really big no-no. It can come across as creepy and stalkerish, and the person you like is likely to just be angered by it. If you’re constantly checking their social media accounts, they’ll start to feel like you’re invading their privacy.

4. Don’t bombard them with text messages or calls

Another way of being too needy is by bombarding the person you like with text messages and calls. If you’re constantly trying to get in touch with them, they’ll start to feel like you’re suffocating them.

5. Don’t try to change who they are

If the person you like isn’t into sports, don’t try to convince them that they should be. And if they’re not interested in going out clubbing every weekend, don’t try to change their mind. Trying to change who someone is will just push them away.

6. Don’t be desperate

Nobody wants to date someone who’s desperate. If you’re always chasing after the person you like, they’ll start to see you as a stalker rather than a romantic partner.

7. Have patience and take things slow

The best way to woo someone is by taking things slow and being patient. If you rush things, the other person is likely to get turned off.

8. Be yourself

The best way to win someone over is by being yourself. If you try to be someone you’re not, the other person is likely to see through you.

9. Don’t give up too easily

If the person you like doesn’t seem interested in you, don’t give up too easily. There’s a chance they may just need some more time to warm up to you.

10. Don’t take rejection personally – move on and find someone who is right for you

Just because someone doesn’t want to date you doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you . There are plenty of other fish in the sea, so don’t take rejection too personally. Just move on and find someone who is right for you.


Wooing someone you like can be a daunting task, but if you follow these tips, you’ll have a better chance of success. Be patient, be yourself, and if you’re eventually rejected don’t take it personally. And most importantly, have fun!